A picture of Joshua Chu in front of his work station.

i'm josh

A funny arrow

i'm passionate about the intersection where technology and entrepreneurship meet. I thrive on working with startups or even jump start my own ventures, driven by a single mission: leveraging the power of technology to spark a positive change in society. If we’re on the same boat, hit me up.

latest articles:

why are we afraid of failing?

"This article is about my take on the subject of failing and how we should embrace it to understand the meaning behind success. "

realizations of a dropout.

"This article is about my realizations during and after dropping out from university."

how to setup prettier, esLint, husky and lint-staged with a nextjs and typescript project

"This article is about setting up Prettier, ESLint, Husky and Lint-Staged with a NextJS and Typescript Project "